These are ways to manage your Anxiety


Let’s talk anxiety. I’m sure you’ve heard the word anxiety from a friend or a family member. Many times this term is used very loosely. However, anxiety is a medical diagnosis and it could be very real for some people. Society has created a stigma around mental health disorders and has made it very difficult for some people to seek help. First, let me explain that anxiety is the natural reaction of the body to stress. We all have felt it during a presentation, when studying, when a cop stops us for running a red light. So what makes it an actual diagnosis? Well, when your anxiety is constant and chronic and causes significant distress affecting your personal and social life. Some signs and symptoms include but are not limited to neck tension, shortness of breath, heart palpitation, weakness in legs, sleep problems, dizziness and chest pain. There are many ways to cope and manage anxiety. Here are four ways to do so. Number one breathe. Sounds easy, but is one of the best things you can do. When you start to feel anxious. Try the four seven eight breathing technique. It could be very effective. Breathe in for 4 seconds. Hold your breath for 7 seconds. Exhale slowly for 8 seconds. Repeat until you feel calm. Number two name your feelings. Acknowledging that you’re feeling anxious sounds simple, but in the moment well, let’s just say your brain is racing 100 miles an hour and you are not this rational person thinking things through, right? Well, make sure to stop what you are doing, name your feeling and use a calming technique that works for you. Number three run and exercise. A quick run around the treadmill can increase concentrations of norepinephrine, allowing your brain to cope with stress. So whether you run for five minutes or 30, you are helping your body to fight anxiety in a natural way. Exercise also helps with your sleep. It increases productivity and produces a calmer state of mind in general. Number four consider therapy and I say this in all my videos a good therapist will provide important tools to help you regulate your emotions and cope with your anxiety. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help when in doubt. Thank you for watching. Please don’t be afraid to leave me a comment. Let me know how you manage your own anxiety and don’t forget to subscribe.

Experience Mental Health without the Stigma

Michelle Chaffardet hosts Mindfull—the podcast and channel creating a safe space for viewers exploring topics like addiction, recovery, mental illness, and resilience. Building relationships with local providers and diverse experts, Michelle brings her warmth, training, and curiosity as a therapist to every educational, engaging guest episode.

More and more, Americans seek answers to mental health trouble and treatment puzzles. Last year, billions of searches sought symptoms, local recovery, and wellness practices. People are ready to dig deep and find support. Through Mindfull, Michelle supports these seekers looking for help with real worries about themselves, their loved ones, and their community.

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